Sunday 18 August 2013

Music Fountain @ Ipoh Railway Station

Ipohites must be very excited and proud because the Music Fountain is finally here located at Ipoh Railway Station after a delay in the project. But where's the music ? However, definitely it will become a tourist spot and also a very good choice for photo shooting. In less than a week, I have visited the fountain twice. There are two fountains at the station. Adults and children alike will be in awe and delighted as the water will sprout in different patterns with myriad of coloured lights.

Do not have any ideas on where to go after a dinner or hangouts ? Fret not, this place is definitely excellent for a stroll and to chill. Operate at night between 8pm and midnight.

View of the first fountain from different angles.

Can you see the crowd ? Haha.

The second fountain. Me love this fountain !

The sis and mum.

Till then, signing off with a pic of the iconic railway station.

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